Movement, meditation, energy

Develop flexibility, resilience, and vibrant health

with the Taoist Internal Arts of

Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, and Bagua Zhang.

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Begin with the art that matches your interests and inclination, and see where it takes you. It may be the perfect fit. Many people try out and then learn two or more, as they inform each other and deepen practice.

The best way to learn the Internal Arts is from a live instructor. There is no substitute for personal feedback and lessons tailored to one’s needs and interests.. We offer private instruction in person or via the internet, which has proven to be both effective and efficient.

Instruction with Mary Christianson:

Mary Christianson demonstrates Wu Style Tai Chi’s Forward Stepping Cloud Hands.

Mary Christianson has practiced the Internal Arts for more than 40 years and taught them for 30 years. She is skilled at guiding students in a way that enhances the growth and development of their practice. Working with all levels, from beginners to advanced, Mary is adept at explaining and demonstrating the things that make the Internal Arts really work.

Contact us for information and answers to your questions at or call 612-588-7037.

Classes designed for the specific needs of your group are also available.


“The Internal Arts have greatly amplified my sense of well-being on both the personal and professional level. I have a bouncier, more tangible sense of energy, and I stand, walk, run, turn, crouch, leap, and dance with greater natural ease and vitality… Mary gave us focused, methodical, skillful coaching infused with deep enthusiasm. We surely benefited from her depth of experience and infectious joy.” — Richard P. , businessman

“My typical response to distress is to contract physically and live in my head. Daily Tai Chi practice is a helpful and fun way to re-ground myself physically and psychologically.” — Bill M., management consultant

“In addition to knowing the details of Tai Chi, Mary is a wealth of knowledge and experience. She also teaches with zest and humor.” — Joel R., bodywork/massage therapist

“I didn’t know what to expect, and Bagua was a fascinating energy practice. The class was really a work-out physically and mentally . I loved it!” — Lorna S., writer and editor

“I love Mary, she’s great! She gives such a great foundation to work off of and to work on.” — Alex S., awareness coach and martial arts enthusiast